32 communities

Apply In Your Community

You can find the Diller Teen Fellows program in 32 communities globally. While each location brings its own unique perspective and selection process, all Diller communities are united in shared values, mission, vision, and program experiences. Application requirements vary by community. Find your local Diller program page below to apply.


Partner Community: Baltimore

Ashkelon, Israel

The Ashkelon Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 11th graders in Ashkelon to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Ashkelon program page.


Partner Community: Ashkelon

Baltimore, Maryland USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Baltimore for a year to impact a lifetime.

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore Diller Teen Fellows is a yearlong, immersive global leadership program that brings together a pluralistic, diverse group of up to 20 Baltimore-area teens. The program provides each Fellow with the tools, feedback, and guidance they need to experiment, collaborate, and grow as leaders—all while exploring their own Jewish identity.

The Baltimore program is part of a global network of Diller Teen Fellows, which invites teens from seven countries and 32 communities to step up, lead their communities, and repair the world.

During the program, Baltimore Fellows will:

  • Travel to Israel for a unique, three-week summer seminar
  • Participate in an exchange program in which Israeli teens from our partner city, Ashkelon, visit Baltimore
  • Participate in 12 local workshops (mifgashim) over the course of the year
  • Be recognized as a young Jewish community leader
  • Build a strong connection with the Jewish Baltimore community and its various institutions
  • Build relationships with other outstanding young people from across the Baltimore community and around the world

Baltimore Diller Teen Fellows is run by JCC of Greater Baltimore. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be rising 11th graders who identify as Jewish.

Application Overview

Diller Teen Fellows Baltimore is a competitive leadership program that accepts 20 teens from the Greater Baltimore area’s Jewish community. To be selected, applicants must:

  • Submit a written application, including two personal references,
  • Complete a 30-minute in-person interview with the Diller Coordinator and interview committee
  • Participate in a two-hour activity-based group interview
Contact Information

Barak Stockler

Baltimore Program Coordinator

(410) 559-3505


“The Diller experience introduced me to a broader American and worldwide Jewish community. It strengthened my appreciation for my American Jewish identity and my identity as part of the Jewish people.”
Marla, 2007

Be’er Sheva, B’nei Shimon

Partner Community: Montreal

Be'er Sheva, B'nei Shimon, Israel

The Be’er Sheva, B’nei Shimon Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Be’er Sheva or B’nei Shimon to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Be’er Sheva, B’nei Shimon program page.


Partner Community: Haifa

Boston, Massachusetts USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Boston for a year to impact a lifetime.

Boston, Massachusetts

Diller Teen Fellows Boston is a yearlong program that empowers teens in the Greater Boston area to cultivate leadership skills, connect to a global network of peers, deepen their connection to their Jewish identity, and make a positive impact on the world.

The goal of the program is to instill emerging local leaders with a strong sense of Jewish identity, dedication to the Jewish community, appreciation for pluralism and diversity, and connection to Israel.

Teens of all backgrounds including race, socioeconomic, gender identity, sexual identity, ethnicity, and Jewish identity are encouraged to apply.

Diller Teen Fellows Boston is run by JCC Greater Boston. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

10th and 11th graders who reside in the Greater Boston area and identify as Jewish.

Application Overview

Applicants to the program must demonstrate:

  • Leadership skills
  • Dedication to community service
  • Interest in exploring their Jewish identity and their relationship to Israel
  • Commitment to full participation in workshops, retreats, group projects, the Boston Mifgash (encounter) and a three-week Israel Summer Seminar in July
Contact Information

Leah Finkelman

Boston Program Coordinator

(740) 258-3764


“Diller provided me the opportunity to develop my leadership skills by giving me a safe space with people who share common goals: promoting growth, fostering intellectual curiosity, and taking action in unjust situations. Throughout the year, we had challenging, but gratifying discussions, which gave me the chance to speak up and develop my public speaking skills without pressure or fear of judgment. Today, I am way more confident when I speak in groups, and am enthusiastic when participating in conversations that I find particularly important and meaningful.”
Cohort 13 Fellow

Buenos Aires

Partner Community: Hof Hasharon

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Key Dates
Applications open May/June 2025

An international program for the formation of future community leaders

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Diller Teen Fellows is one of the most respected leadership and cultural interchange programs for Jewish teens worldwide.

Currently, the program operates in 32 communities worldwide, including Argentina, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and South Africa. Its goal is to develop a generation of leaders who have a strong connection to their Jewish identity, are committed to the Jewish people, pluralistic, love Israel, and take responsibility for creating a better world.

Program Overview

  • Participate in Thursday workshops every two weeks
  • Two full-day Sunday seminars
  • Three weekend retreats (Shabatonim)
  • Take part in Jewish Community Mifgash, an opportunity to host peers from our partner community in Israel, Hof Hasharon
  • Travel to Israel for a three-week seminar in July

Diller Teen Fellows Buenos Aires is run through Fundación BAMÁ. Learn more and apply directly on their website.


Lea esta información en Español

Eligibility Requirements

Must be a student in 3rd or 4th year of high school.

Application Overview

Application includes:

  • Online application forms
Contact Information

Mijal Szwarcman

Buenos Aires Program Coordinator

+54 9 11 55293790


Cape Town

Partner Community: Shoham

Cape Town, South Africa
Key Dates
Applications open August 2024

Join Diller Cape Town for a year to impact a lifetime.

Cape Town, South Africa

Diller Teen Fellows Cape Town is a one-year leadership programme focusing on developing young Jewish people by equipping them with skills and tools to inspire committed Jewish leadership. We do this by focusing on exploring our Jewish identity, leadership skills, social action, and tikkun olam (repairing the world), as well as Jewish Peoplehood. Our Fellows connect with like-minded Jewish teens from 32 communities around the world.  The program is offered to Grade 10’s and 11’s, and we encourage Jewish teens from all religious and cultural backgrounds to apply.

The year-long fellowship programme includes:

  • Bi-monthly evening workshops
  • Three shabbaton (weekend retreat) experiences
  • A hosting component of Israeli delegation of Fellows from our partner community, Shoham
  • A three-week trip to Israel in July

Diller Teen Fellows Cape Town is run by South African Zionist Federation Cape Council. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

The program is offered to Grade 10’s and 11’s.

Application Overview

Applications will include:

  • Standard application form
  • 60-second video submission
  • One reference letter
Contact Information

Eytan Labe

Cape Town Program Coordinator




Partner Community: Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir

Chicago, Illinois, USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Chicago for a year to impact a lifetime.

Chicago, Illinois

Diller Teen Fellows Chicago is a prestigious yearlong fellowship for high school students interested in exploring topics in leadership, Jewish identity, social justice, and Israel. The Diller program activates emerging generations of effective leaders with strong Jewish identities, commitment to the Jewish people, respect for pluralism, and love of Israel. Chicago launched its first cohort in 2013 in partnership with JUF’s Partnership Together region in Israel: Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir.

As a Chicago Diller Teen Fellow, you will:

  • Develop leadership skills
  • Host Diller teens from Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir during a 10-day peer exchange in Chicago
  • Travel to Israel for the three-week Israel Summer Seminar that includes touring and exploring Israel, meeting over 700 Diller teens from North America, South Africa, Australia, South America, Europe, and Israel, and one week in Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir where YOU create the itinerary
  • Forge powerful relationships with a diverse group of Jewish teens from around the world

Diller Teen Fellows Chicago is run by Jewish United Fund. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements
  • The program is open to rising high school sophomores and juniors throughout metropolitan Chicago.
  • Fellows are chosen based on their leadership aptitude, commitment to Jewish learning, passion for serving their community, and interest in exploring their connection to Israel.
Application Overview

Application includes:

  • Contact information
  • List of activities
  • Written statements
  • A short video
  • One reference from a non-related adult who can attest to your character and leadership skills. Personal friends are not acceptable.
Contact Information

Tali Zuckerman

Chicago Program Coordinator

(872) 257-7870


“I cannot put into words how grateful I am for my Diller experience. Diller is so much more than a leadership program. Diller is a place to make friends, see Israel up close and to learn more about yourself. Most importantly, Diller is a network of young and passionate leaders from around the world.”
Leah, Cohort 6

Eilat, Eilot

Partner Community: Toronto

Eilat, Eilot Israel

The Eilat, Eilot Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 11th graders in Eilat or Eilot to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Eilat, Eilot program page.


Partner Community: Melbourne

Golan, Israel

The Golan Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Golan to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Golan program page.

Greater MetroWest, New Jersey

Partner Community: Rishon LeZion

Greater Metrowest, New Jersey USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Greater MetroWest, NJ for a year to impact a lifetime.

Greater Metrowest, New Jersey

Each year, 20 teens in 10th and 11th grade are chosen to be part of Diller Teen Fellows MetroWest. Throughout the 12-month program (September – September), the Fellows participate in educational workshops, weekend retreats, and extended educational seminars.

This cohort-based program facilitates a social environment to meet new friends from MetroWest, Israel, and around the world. You’ll explore Jewish Identity, tikkun olam, Israel, and Jewish peoplehood.

MetroWest, NJ Fellows commit to:

  • Monthly workshops on Sundays (five hours)
  • Three weekend retreats, including Jewish Community Mifgash (JCM), where Fellows host Diller Teens from our Israeli partner community, Rishon LeZion, in their communities and homes
  • A transformative, three-week summer seminar in Israel in July

Program cost: Thanks to a generous subsidy from the Helen Diller Family Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ, the program tuition per Fellow is $4,000, including a non-refundable $500 deposit. Grants and need-based scholarships are available.

Greater MetroWest, NJ Diller Teen Fellows is run by Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Live in Greater MetroWest, New Jersey
  • Be in 10th or 11th grade in September of the cohort year (currently in 9th or 10th grade)
Application Overview

Application process includes:

  • Online application form
  • Two references, at least one from a school official or teacher
  • Individual interview
  • Group interview
Contact Information


Greater MetroWest NJ Program Coordinator

(973) 929-2712


“My professional life is guided by my passion for Israel and Jewish Peoplehood, two values jumpstarted by my Diller experience. During Diller, the connections that I made to Israelis of all kinds remain a significant learning experience in my life. Following Diller, I studied abroad in Israel in 2010 and again in 2015 which only further solidified my passion for Israel and all its complexities.”
Adam, 2009 cohort


Partner Community: Boston

Haifa, Israel

The Haifa Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Haifa to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Haifa program page.

Harei Yehuda

Partner Community: Johannesburg

Beit Shemesh, Mateh Yehuda, Israel

The Harei Yehuda Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Beit Shemesh, Mateh Yehuda or Tzur Hadassa to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Harei Yehuda program page.


Partner Community: Philadelphia

Herzliya, Israel

The Herzliya Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Herzliya to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Herzliya program page.

Hof Hasharon

Partner Community: Buenos Aires

Hof Hasharon, Israel

The Hof Hasharon Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Hof Hasharon to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Hof Hasharon program page.


Partner Community: Harei Yehuda

Johannesburg, South Africa
Key Dates
Applications open August/September 2024

Join Diller Johannesburg for a year to impact a lifetime.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Diller Teen Fellows Johannesburg is a prestigious youth leadership program that offers twenty grade 10 students at King David schools in Johannesburg, South Africa, the opportunity to learn about themselves, their local community, their Jewish identity, and Israel.

This immersive international program engages over 700 teens from 32 communities worldwide (North America, South Africa, Australia, South America, Europe, and Israel).

Throughout the year-long fellowship, Johannesburg Fellows participate in hands-on tikkun olam (repairing the world) initiatives, build connections to the Jewish people and Israel, and deepen their Jewish identities through monthly workshops, Shabbatonim (weekend retreats), a ten-day visit by Israeli Teen Fellows to South Africa, and a three-week summer seminar in Israel with all global Fellows.

Over the course of the year, Fellows commit to:

  • Twelve (12) workshops
  • Three (3) weekend retreats (Shabbatonim)
  • Two (2) full-day experiences
  • A ten-day hosting exchange with Fellows from our Israeli partner community: Beit Shemesh, Mateh Yehuda
  • A three-week Israel Summer Seminar (in July) which offers participants the chance to experience the culture and history of Israel while also engaging with our partnership community of Beit Shemesh Mateh Yehuda;  and meeting with 700 Diller teens from around the world.

Diller Teen Fellows Johannesburg is run by South African Zionist Federation. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must currently be in year 10 and identify as Jewish.

Application Overview

Application includes:

  • Application form
  • Optional short video
  • First round interview
Contact Information

Daniella Sack

Johannesburg Program Coordinator



Karmiel, Misgav

Partner Community: Pittsburgh

Karmiel Misgav Israel

The Karmiel, Misgav Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Karmiel or Misgav to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Karmiel, Misgav program page.

Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir

Partner Community: Chicago

Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir Israel

The Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Kiryat Gat, Lachish, or Shafir to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Kiryat Gat, Lachish, and Shafir program page.

Los Angeles

Partner Community: Tel Aviv

Los Angeles, California USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Los Angeles for a year to impact a lifetime.

Los Angeles, California

Twenty teens from the greater Los Angeles area are selected each year to participate in Diller Teen Fellows Los Angeles based on their leadership aptitude, commitment to Jewish learning, interest in exploring their connection to Israel, and passion for serving their community.

Los Angeles Fellows come from different backgrounds but are joined together by the desire to:

  • Make friendships that will last a lifetime
  • Gain significant leadership skills
  • Question, search, and expand insights into Jewish identity and unity
  • Experience a cultural exchange with Israeli teens, both in Israel and in LA
  • Create and lead others in service learning projects
  • Learn and grow during a transformative experience

Over the course of one year, Los Angeles Fellows commit to participating in:

  • 12 Sunday afternoon workshops, approximately four-five hours each
  • Three weekend retreats
  • A three-week Israel Seminar: an opportunity to explore Israel, connect with our partner cohort in Tel Aviv, and meet teens from all over the world
  • 10 days of hosting Israeli teens in LA

Diller Teen Fellows Los Angeles is run by The J Los Angeles. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be in 10th or 11th grade in September of the cohort year and be a Jewish teen residing in the Greater Los Angeles area.

Application Overview

Application includes:

  • Application form
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Group interview
  • One-on-one interview
Contact Information

Arya Donay

Los Angeles Program Coordinator



“I learned not only about other ways of practicing Judaism, but also how to lead, how to make lasting connections, and most importantly, how to ask for help. We are always told that we will be the leaders of tomorrow's world. Diller taught me how to be a leader in today's world.”
Ofek L., Cohort 15

Matte Asher

Partner Community: United Kingdom

Mate Asher, Israel

The Matte Asher Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Mate’ Asher to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Matte Asher program page.


Partner Community: Golan

Melbourne, Australia
Key Dates
Applications open August 2025

Join Diller Melbourne for a year to impact a lifetime.

Melbourne, Australia

In Melbourne, the Diller Teen Fellowship provides opportunities for teens to be a part of a worldwide network and become the next generation of local leaders.

Melbourne Diller Teen Fellows connect and work with Israeli teens from our Diller partner community of Golan. Fellows participate in workshops twice per month, attend weekend retreats (Shabbatonim), and travel to Israel for the three-week Israel Summer Seminar, where Fellows spend time with like-minded teens from across the globe.

This unique yearlong fellowship program seeks three main outcomes: Stronger Jewish identities, empowered leaders, and tikkun olam (repairing the world).

Melbourne Diller Teen Fellows commit to:

  • Three weekend retreats (Shabbatonim)
  • Several community service (tikkun olam) programs and workshops
  • An opportunity to host Israeli Diller Fellows from our partner city of Golan for a 10-day exchange
  • A three-week Israel Summer Seminar in July, which offers participants the chance to experience the culture and history of Israel while also engaging in community service in Golan, Melbourne’s partner community

Melbourne Diller Teen Fellows is run by Zionist Federation of Australia. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must currently be in year 9 or 10 and identify as Jewish.

Application Overview

Application includes:

  • Application form
  • Letter of recommendation (preferably from a teacher)
  • First stage group interview
  • Second stage one-on-one interview
Contact Information

Sharni Briner

Melbourne Program Coordinator

039- 272-5618


“This Diller year has been one of the most meaningful and important of my life. I have grown so much and gained so many new skills thanks to the different experiences and mifgashim we had.”
Idan, Cohort 8


Partner Community: Yerucham

Miami, Florida USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Miami for a year to impact a lifetime.

Miami, Florida

Diller Teen Fellows Miami is a premiere leadership development and experiential education program inviting a select group of up to 20 Jewish 10th and 11th graders to connect with one another, step up, lead their communities, and repair the world. The Miami Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows has the opportunity to connect with peers in other cohorts from seven countries and 32 communities during a three-week summer seminar in Israel, giving each Fellow a truly transformative experience.

Throughout the yearlong Fellowship, teens develop leadership skills, connect with a global network of peers, strengthen their Jewish identities, and create ripples of good throughout the world.

Current high school freshmen and sophomores from Miami-Dade County are encouraged to apply in the spring.

Program Overview:  Diller Teen Fellows Miami is a yearlong program that typically runs from late August through early September. Throughout the program, the cohort meets approximately once a month, including:

  • Three weekend retreats (Shabbatonim, one in fall, one in winter, and one in spring)
  • A seminar called the Jewish Communities Mifgash (JCM) in spring: a weeklong peer exchange in which Diller teens from Miami’s partner city of Yerucham, Israel visit Miami
  • A three-week journey through Israel, called Israel Summer Seminar, exploring the country and world Jewry

Diller Teen Fellows Miami is run by Center for Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE). Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be rising 10th or 11th graders who reside in Miami-Dade County.

Application Overview

Application includes:

  • Basic information including name, age, address, school, synagogue, and parent information
  • Short answer questions about yourself, why you want to be a Diller Teen Fellow, and if you are able to make the time commitment to Diller
Contact Information

Bari Lutz

Miami Program Coordinator

(516) 532-7376


“Diller Miami helped me grow and solidify my Jewish identity surrounded by over 700 unique, pluralistic, and interesting teen leaders from around the globe…These connections even made it into the robotics program at my school, where I got to meet a visiting Israeli student from Yerucham, our partner community, who happened to be the sibling of a Diller alum. I was able to feel the true beauty of Diller’s international reach and the connection to the global Jewish community through this encounter and many others. I look forward to continuing the exploration of my Jewish identity after Diller.”
Sam, Cohort 7


Partner Community: Be'er Sheva, B'nei Shimon

Montreal, Canada
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Montreal for a year to impact a lifetime.

Montreal, Canada

Diller Teen Fellows Montreal brings together a pluralistic, diverse group of up to 20 teens each year to explore their Jewish identity, connect to Israeli peers, develop their leadership skills, and ignite a passion for supporting our community. This selective, international program gives passionate grade 10 and 11 students the tools they need to be leaders.

Every Fellow’s participation cost is generously subsidized by the Helen Diller Family Foundation and Federation CJA.

Current grade 9 and 10 students are encouraged to apply in the spring.

Montreal Diller Teen Fellows commit to:

  • 14 Sunday workshops, four hours each
  • A year-long community engagement experience (two hours a month)
  • Three weekend retreats (Shabbatonim)
  • One or two full-day experiences
  • A 10-day hosting exchange with our Israeli Diller partner community, Be’er Sheva, B’nei Shimon
  • A three-week Israel Summer Seminar, which offers participants the chance to experience the culture and history of Israel and engage in community service

The fee for participation is $4000 CAD + tax, which covers all participation costs (including the Israel Summer Seminar).

Additional financial assistance is available to help cover the Diller Teen Fellowship fee through Federation CJA. We are happy to share the financial assistance application with you once you have applied for the program.

Diller Teen Fellows Montreal is run by Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be:

  • High school students in Grade 10 or 11 during the program year
  • Jewish teens
  • Living in Montreal or the surrounding area
Application Overview

Application includes:

  • One letter of reference
  • A group interview
  • A  one-on-one interview

Community members may nominate a local teen who meets the eligibility requirements and whom they think would be a good fit for the program. Nominations are not required.

Contact Information

Jessica Meirovici

Montreal Program Coordinator

(514) 737-6551 ext. 258


“Diller has been a life-changing experience! Beyond forging connections with new friends from around the globe, understanding how diverse the Jewish community is, and exploring your own Jewish identity, Diller teaches teens skills that are applicable on an everyday basis. Public speaking, time management, leadership skills, and budgeting are just a few talents that this amazing program fosters in young leaders! My time in this program will stay with me forever.”
Sarah, Montreal Cohort 11, JC Cohort 13


Partner Community: Herzliya

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Philadelphia for a year to impact a lifetime.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Diller Teen Fellows Philadelphia partners with the Kaiserman JCC to offer an incredible experiential learning, traveling, and growth experience for Jewish teens from the Greater Philadelphia area.

Twenty Philadelphia-area 10th and 11th grade students are selected yearly, based on their leadership aptitude, interest in Jewish learning, desire to connect to Israel, and passion for serving their community.

Philadelphia Diller Teen Fellows commit to:

  • 10 Sunday afternoon workshops, five hours each
  • A locally-based, social action project
  • Three weekend retreats (Shabbatonim)
  • Two full-day experiences
  • An opportunity to host Israeli Diller Fellows from our partner city of Herzliya for a 10-day exchange, called Jewish Community Mifgash
  • A three-week Israel Summer Seminar, which offers participants the chance to experience the culture and history of Israel while also engaging in community service in Herzliya, Philadelphia’s partner community.

Program Cost:  The fee for participation is $4,000 ($800 deposit with the balance in payments), which covers all participation (including the Israel Summer Seminar). Every Fellow is generously subsidized by the Helen Diller Family Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.

Financial assistance is available to help cover the Diller Teen Fellowship fee.

Philadelphia Diller Teen Fellows is run by Kasierman Jewish Community Center. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Teenagers who identify as Jewish and are entering 10th or 11th grade.

Application Overview

Application process:

  • Interested teens are asked to fill out an application
  • After reviewing, we will invite teens to a group interview
  • Depending on circumstances, we may invite applicants for a one-on-one interview with Diller Philadelphia staff
  • Final decisions will be made between June and August
Contact Information

Darren Rabinowitz

Philadelphia Program Coordinator

(973) 703-5682


“Diller makes me feel like I'm a part of something bigger than myself, and I’m so excited for the experiences to come. I have had an amazing experience getting closer to my fellow Dillers and learning more about myself.”
Ellie, Cohort 6


Partner Community: Karmiel, Misgav

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Pittsburgh for a year to impact a lifetime.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Diller Teen Fellows Pittsburgh is a yearlong experience in which teens from the Greater Pittsburgh area become stronger and more rooted in their Jewish identities, empowered leaders, and activated participants in tikkun olam, social justice initiatives.

Together as a local and also global community, Diller Teen Fellows explore pluralism and peoplehood, engage in dialogue, and build understanding across religious and cultural differences.

The Pittsburgh Diller Teen Fellows program includes:

  • Approximately 12 Sunday experiences focused on helping you become the best leader you can be
  • Three weekend retreats (Shabbatonim) where you will connect with your cohort, learn about Jewish traditions and the importance of Jewish peoplehood
  • Service experiences and social justice
  • A ten-day hosting exchange with our Israeli partner community, Karmiel, Misgav
  • A three-week summer experience in Israel focused on leadership and partnership

Program Cost

Each participant automatically receives a generous subsidy, resulting in a cost of $3,600 to the participant. This includes all domestic and international travel, retreats, and workshops.

Need-based scholarships are available. These scholarships and financial assistance are often flexible to address the diverse needs of the Pittsburgh Jewish community.

Diller Teen Fellows Pittsburgh is run by Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements
  • Jewish teen residing in the Greater Pittsburgh area
  • In 10th or 11th grade during the program year
  • A desire to become an empowered leader and grow their potential
  • Dedicated to tikkun olam, repairing the world
  • Interested in exploring Jewish identity
Application Overview

Applications to Pittsburgh Diller Teen Fellows will include:

  • An online application
  • A recent photo of the applicant
  • A group interview
Contact Information

Rebecca Kahn

Pittsburgh Program Coordinator

(503) 501-6060


“Not only did Diller help me be comfortable in my Jewish identity, but it opened my eyes to the Jewish communities around the world. I’ve had friends become family and strangers become lifelong friends.”
Galya B., Cohort 14

Rishon LeZion

Partner Community: Greater MetroWest, New Jersey

Rishon Lezion, Israel

The Rishon Lezion Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Rishon Lezion to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Rishon Lezion program page.

San Francisco

Partner Community: Upper Galilee

San Francisco, California USA
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller San Francisco for a year to impact a lifetime.

San Francisco, California

Diller Teen Fellows San Francisco brings diverse learners, thinkers, and leaders together. We strive to find a group of incoming 11th graders with open minds and open hearts who are looking to create a community of young Jewish leaders in the Bay Area.

The Diller teens become a tight-knit group throughout the year as we embark on different program themes together, including Jewish Identity, Social Action, Leadership, Community Building, Philanthropy, and Israel Education. Fellows leave the Diller program with a shifted perspective of the world around them and always strive to make changes necessary to better their community.

Teens of all backgrounds including race, socioeconomic, gender identity, sexual identity, ethnicity, and Jewish identity are encouraged to apply!

The yearlong fellowship program includes:

  • 13 Sunday afternoon workshops, four hours each
  • Three weekend retreats (Shabbatonim)
  • A three-week Israel Summer Seminar, which offers participants the chance to experience the culture and history of Israel while also engaging in community service.
  • A ten-day hosting opportunity in which San Francisco Fellows host Fellows from our Israeli partner community, Upper Galilee.

Diller Teen Fellows San Francisco is run by Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Prospective applicants must be current 10th grade students who reside in the Bay Area. We are looking for applicants who represent the Bay Area in all of its diversity in regards to Jewish practice, school type, personal identity, and family background.

Application Overview

Applications to Diller Teen Fellows San Francisco will include:

  • Basic information about the teen, including name, address, and school
  • Thoughts from the teen on their growth and (if applicable) leadership background
  • An interview
  • One online recommendation from someone who knows the teen in a structured setting, such as a school teacher, guidance counselor, youth group advisor, coach, clergy member, job supervisor, director of extracurricular, etc.
Contact Information

Kyla Sokoll-Ward

San Francisco Program Coordinator

(415) 369-2877



Partner Community: Cape Town

Shoham, Israel

The Shoham Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Shoham to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Shoham program page.

Tel Aviv

Partner Community: Los Angeles

Tel Aviv, Israel

The Bina-Tel Aviv Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Tel Aviv to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Tel Aviv program page.


Partner Community: Eilat, Eilot

Toronto, Canada
Key Dates
Applications open Spring 2025

Join Diller Toronto for a year to impact a lifetime.

Toronto, Canada

In Toronto, the Diller Teen Fellows are exceptional members of our community. They have impact, big and small, in our local and global communities and are the next generation of changemakers in Toronto. The teens who participate in the program are leaders in their schools, synagogues, and the secular and Jewish community. They are interested in exploring their Jewish identity, understanding the idea of pluralism, building their leadership styles, and making a difference.

Fellows experience a journey of growth to develop leadership skills and learn to collaborate across differences and leadership styles to accomplish goals and take action. Diller Teen Fellows are ones who think outside the box and who are passionate about repairing the world, exploring their Jewish identity, and building their leadership skills.

Toronto Diller Teen Fellows commit to:

  • 12-13 Sunday afternoon workshops,  four-six hours each
  • Three weekend retreats (Shabbatonim)
  • A three-week Israel Summer Seminar, which offers participants the chance to experience the culture and history of Israel while also engaging in community service with our Diller partner community, Eilat, Eilot
  • An opportunity to host Israeli Diller Teen Fellows from our partner city Eilat, Eilot for a 10-day exchange
  • Hands-on volunteering experiences with local organizations in Toronto

Diller Teen Fellows Toronto is run by UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be 10th or 11th  graders who identify as Jewish.

Application Overview

Application includes:

  • General information
  • Contact information
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Leadership positions
  • Letters of recommendation
Contact Information

Dana Aronowitz

Toronto Program Coordinator

(416) 635-2883 x 5538


“Throughout my experience as a Diller Teen Fellow, I found massive growth in myself as well as in my leadership skills.”
Michelle, Cohort 6 and JC Cohort 7

United Kingdom

Partner Community: Matte Asher

United Kingdom
Key Dates
Applications open August 2024

Join Diller United Kingdom for a year to impact a lifetime.

Each year, twenty UK residents in year 12 are selected to participate in the year-long Diller Teen Fellowship programme that connects Jewish teens locally and globally for a year to impact a lifetime.

Applicants are selected based on their leadership aptitude, interest in Jewish learning, desire to connect to Israel, and passion for serving their community.

Over the course of one year, UK Diller Teen Fellows commit to:

  • Two overnights (Motzei Shabbat through Sunday late-afternoon)
  • Five weekend retreats, or Shabbatonim (Friday before Shabbat through Sunday late-afternoon)
  • A locally-based, social action project
  • A hosting experience with Mate’ Asher Diller Fellows when they visit the UK
  • A two-week Israel Summer Seminar, which offers participants the chance to experience the culture and history of Israel, engage in community service, and connect with peers in our Israeli partner community, Mate’ Asher

Programme Cost

The fee for participation is £599, which is all-inclusive of food, accommodation, merchandise, Israel Summer Seminar, and other programme elements.

Fellows are required to cover the cost of their own railcard for transportation to and from events.

Financial assistance is available to help cover the Diller Teen Fellowship fee.

Diller Teen Fellows United Kingdom is run by Federation of Zionist Youth (FZY). Learn more and apply directly on their website.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be in Year 12 and identify as Jewish (in any capacity) to apply.

Application Overview

Application process includes:

  • Completion of an online application, including a letter of recommendation
  • In-person group assessment
  • Possible follow-up individual phone call
Contact Information

Emily Curtis

United Kingdom Programme Coordinator



Upper Galilee

Partner Community: San Francisco

Upper Galilee, Israel

The Upper Galilee Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Upper Galilee to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Upper Galilee program page.


Partner Community: Miami

Yerucham, Israel

The Yeruham Cohort of Diller Teen Fellows is an immersive leadership development opportunity inviting a select group of 10th and 11th graders in Yeruham to apply for a year to impact a lifetime. Please visit the full Yeruham program page.